Investing in Small Caps

Guide: Advanced Trading

About Ofex

About OFEX - the market for entrepreneurial businesses.

OFEX provides a market for the securities of smaller companies. Currently, OFEX has approximately 140 companies traded, representing 25 industry sectors. It has served over 500 companies, out of which over 90 companies have used OFEX as a stepping-stone to more senior markets such as AIM or the Official List of the London Stock Exchange. Companies on the OFEX market have raised in excess of GBP1.10bn, using the broad membership of corporate advisers and broker/dealers.

Information relating to OFEX companies can be access on the corporate website, . Under the .company data. section of the website investors can access free of charge real-time trading and share price information of all OFEX securities, all news published by our companies, as well as reports and accounts.

For further information.

The "OMR" is the definitive OFEX magazine, now produced quarterly, providing trading data relating to all OFEX-traded securities for the previous three months together with articles on topical issues and contributions from carefully selected third parties who operate within the financial services industry in relation to equities markets. It also includes information regarding new applications to OFEX. The magazine is subscription-based, at £ 50 (VAT exempt) per year (4 issues). For further details and a sample copy please contact

Important Information

Due to the size and nature of its constituent companies, an investment in OFEX securities tends to involve a higher degree of risk than an investment in the shares of a more established company and may not be suitable for everyone.

OFEX securities are not admitted to a Recognised Investment Exchange and there is no guarantee of a liquid market in such securities. The information provided on Newstrack does not constitute an invitation to subscribe for, buy, sell, or underwrite any investment. It does not represent advice on the merits of an investment in OFEX securities and should not be construed as such. The information should only be used for reference purposes and not relied upon in making investment decisions, which should be made on the basis of appropriate research, verification and professional advice.

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