
Stock Charting Help



Follow steps one to four under the 'Chart Types' section.

Comparing to Index

Step Five: Click on the Index box to see the dropdown menu with all the options.

Step six: Select the Index you are interested in and click on “Draw” - this will now show you the Share price of the company in relation to the price of the Index.

Comparing to Sector

Step Five: Click on the Sector box to see the dropdown menu with all the options.

Step six: Select the Sector you are interested in and click on “Draw” - this will now show you the Share price of the company in relation to the price of the Sector.

Comparing to another Company

Step Five: Put the company’s ticker into the ticker box - if you do not know the company’s ticker then click on the “Look up ticker” and follow Step Two.

Step six: Click on “Draw”.

This will now show you the Share price of the company in relation to the price of the other company.

Please note: You are able to compare more than two companies by adding more tickers to the criterion.