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See the latest Director Buys and Sells for the UK Market Select either the FTSE 350, Small Cap or AIM to see the most recent Director Buys and Sells. The value of the Buy(blue) or Sell(red), the date and the company name are shown. If there has been more than one Buy or Sell for any company, simply click on the arrow next to the company name to see the individual transactions.

How to edit

Click on the tabs for FTSE 350, Small Cap or AIM to switch your view. Use the +/- buttons to show more or fewer Director Deals. You can also select to view just Buys or just Sells by clicking on the links at the bottom of the gadget. The default view is to show both Buys and Sells. For more Director Deals data, click on the title of the Gadget and this will take you to the Director Dealings Centre on Digital Look. For more information about a specific company, click on the company name and this will take you to the Director Dealings section of that company page.