
Stock Screener Help


Creating Your Own Screen

If you choose to build your own screen, please follow the steps below.

Step One: Start by selecting the pool of shares that you wish to screen. You can choose either a market Index or a sector. But not both.

If you do not make a selection, the default will be to screen the whole market.

Step Two: Enter values for as few or as many criteria that you choose.

As you tap in your values, the bar at the top of the page will update to show you how many results will be found.

If your criteria are too specific, and no companies meet your criteria this will show as 0.

Tip: Remember to check the unit – i.e. whether you need to enter the values as percentages, in pence/pounds, millions etc.

Step Three: Use the Results Display options to determine how you would like the results displayed, to select how many companies to display and to specify the sort order.

The results are shown in a Performance Table. (Have a look at this here)