Buying and selling UK shares has never been easier.
Internet share dealing is rapidly replacing traditional ways of trading.
It can be convenient, and fast - with share trades completed at a click of a button.
You can normally view real time prices, which means that you know exactly what you have bought or sold a share for. And you can now get hold of a wealth of online financial information - that will help you make informed decisions about what to buy and sell.
With a flood of new online broking services coming to the UK over the last twelve months, online dealing can also provide a cost-effective way to deal shares.
All this explains why internet share trading has heralded one of the biggest shake ups ever seen in the UK share trading market.
However, dealing online for the first time or switching from your traditional broker can be a daunting experience.'s aim is to tell you all you need to know about online trading in the UK and give you the confidence to take advantage of buying and selling shares on the internet.
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